Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New....?

I'm sitting on the couch at the Certain Special Someone's place. He's playing Gran Turismo & I'm blogging. Quite the pair we are. He asked me "What're you doing? Blogging?" "Yea." Then he mimics me saying "I'm so bored that I'm blogging because he's playing Gran Turismo!" "Nooo, if I were that bored I'd tell you. I just haven't updated in awhile." He's too funny.

I'm ready for the Winter Classic tonight. My Penguins better whoop some Capitals ass! Even if the C.S.S. does really like the Caps. It's one time we root for rival teams. I love my Pens!

I think New Year's is a funny thing.. People make all these lofty goals & really try to attain them for the first couple of weeks, maybe a month. Then they get burnt out & just say fuck it. I quit making resolutions a long time ago. I consider making one each New Year, but I know it's pointless. If I'm going to get something done the fact that it's New Year's or not doesn't have any bearing on it. Maybe that's just me though.

I want some chocolate...hmmm.....

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